Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Field Trip 10/2

This Saturday is our first official field trip of the Girl Scout year!
It's a fun one - we're going to Cornbelly's at Thanksgiving Point!
Cornbelly's is a fall festival with tons of attractions including a corn maze, pig races, a giant jumping pillow, a cow train, pedal cart racing, hay rides and so much more! This is such a fun event - my family goes every year and we always have a blast.
Regular admission prices on Saturdays are $11 per person. We are able to purchase tickets for $8 per person. Only girl scout admission will be paid for by the troop, however, families are more than welcome to tag along at the discounted price! (no siblings without parents)
Important Information:

  • Please plan to meet at the Adventure Church at 11:00. 
  • Each girl needs to bring a completed Event Release Form (located on the right side of the blog for download)
  • Don't forget to bring some money for lunch (we are not exactly sure how much everything will cost, but $5 or $6 should be enough) 
  • We would love to get a headcount of who will be attending, so please let me know if your Brownie will be there and if any extra family members will be coming!
  • Please be back at the Adventure Church at 2:30 to pick up your Brownie :)

*A change
Cornbelly's hosts a "Pumpkin Princess" pageant each year that we thought some of the girls might be interested in participating in. However, the date listed on the form (this Saturday) was from last year and is incorrect. The pageant is actually being held on Saturday October 23. Please let your girls know that the pageant will NOT be happening while we are there. I apologize for the confusion!

Friday, September 24, 2010


A couple of reminders for you...

Dues this year will be $6 per month ($54 per year)
If you would like to pay all at once (by the October 11 meeting) we will give you a (very small!) discount to do so, making your total for the year just $50

Making Memories
Next week (September 27) we will be making scrapbook pages for our new troop scrapbook!
Each girl needs to bring 3 or 4 pictures of themselves from this summer.
Any cute paper scraps would be appreciated, too!


Our lesson this week (September 20) was taught by Megan and was about the World of Water.
The girls learned about...

  • Water conditions in other countries (in some places children don't get to go to school because so much time is taken up getting water!)
  • How much water is used in America versus other countries (150 gallons per person per day here! As little as 5 gallons per day in other countries)
  • How much water certain activities require (35 gallons for a bath, 26 for a 5 minute shower - we told them to take a bath with a sibling!)
  • How they can make a difference here by conserving water (their "homework" is to think of a way they can conserve water - they'll write about it in their journal next week)

We also explored the Wetlands (the girls drew pictures in their journals) and talked about the river flow of the Jordan River (somewhat unique because it flows South to North and into a dead lake.)


All of our newsletters will be posted here on the blog so that you can read it any time - even if your Brownie loses hers (I know mine loses everything!) Click on the picture to see a much larger version.

FYI - The "notes" section on page two will be used in our meetings on the day the newsletter is handed out. We are planning to have the girls take notes on important things - to help them feel more involved and promote responsibility.